
Behaviour change is a central challenge in saving lives, in preventing and curing illness and improving the quality of life.

In most cases, we know what must be done (e.g. reducing carbon emissions, obesity and sedentariness) but do not act to a sufficient degree on sufficient scales. The gaps between potential and reality, often attributed to lacks of political will, motivation or perspective, are problems of behaviour change to which evidence-based principles apply. With epidemiological and economic modeling becoming more precise, we’re aware that survival depends on change and can estimate how quickly change must happen. We also observe leaps of change where individuals band together against great odds and achieve previously ‘impossible’ and benevolent results.

Our research focuses on the contexts (ethics, policy, population health, clinical intervention, individual wellness) that must be integrated in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. We address diseases (cancer, HIV-AIDS, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, H1N1, mental illness) that can be prevented with health behaviour change. We work with methodologies (surveys, psychometrics, qualitative analyses, neuro-imaging, cost-modeling) and interventions (social engagement, e-health) that decipher the riddles of why change fails when it can save lives and improve health. We invent strategies and programs, and the new mix-of-methodologies required to achieve important changes.